How to Insert the Chat in a Button / Pop-up (HTML / WodPress)

We have developed this tutorial to explain how you can insert Leadster in the same model as it is on our website when clicking on the "Ver Demonstração" (See Demo) button:

This approach is suitable only for specific cases and needs to be analyzed. In 99% of websites, we do not recommend using the chat in this way, but instead, our standard model, which has proven results.

Please note that this tutorial requires technical development from your team, and we do not perform the installation. Access it through this link: Popup_implementation.pdf

If you want to create a button within your website that, when clicked, opens the assistant to engage the interested visitor, use the following code for the button to trigger the action.

Here's the step by step to this tutorial:

  1. You'll need to create a new page with your Leadster activation code. As we can see below "leadster_chatbot.html"

  1. In your main page it will be necessary to make a reference to the page you want the model opens.

  1. Then you'll copy the Bootstrap code and insert in the end of your page code after the tag </main>

Here you go!

You can also check a WordPress tutorial using the basic website constructor:

If you need assistance, please contact us!

Warm regards!

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