How to install Leadster's code in WordPress

Method #1: Install the code via WordPress Plugin

  1. Download the Leadster plugin for WordPress:

Navigate to "Plugins > Add New," and search for "Leadster" in the search bar.

  1. Configure:

After completing the installation, access the plugin settings at "Settings > Leadster."

  1. Insert code:

Enter the unique code in the "Leadster Unique Identifier" field and click "Save and Activate."

Click here to access your activation code.


  1. Copy your code and insert on your Leadster Plugin.

  1. Done!

Your website is now generating more conversions with Leadster :)

Method #2: Install the tool's code in the footer [HTML] of your website

  1. Access your WordPress Dashboard and go to the "Appearance" section -> "Editor."
  2. Select the footer.php and edit it.
  3. Install the code before the </body> tag.

Don't forget to save the settings by clicking "Update File," and you're all set!

Your code is available within your control panel under the implementation tab.

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