How to install Leadster code using Google Tag Manager

If you use Google Tag Manager on your website, you can quickly and easily install Leadster by using Google Tag Manager as an intermediary for code insertion.

To install Leadster on your website using Google Tag Manager, see the video or follow the steps below:

  1. First, access the Google Tag Manager dashboard and click on "Workspace" -> "Overview" -> "Add a new tag."
  2. Click to choose a tag type and select the option "Custom HTML."
  3. Enter a name for the tag you are creating, paste the Leadster installation code into the "HTML" field, and check the "Support document.write" option.

The installation code is available in your control panel.

  1. Scroll down the page and click to choose a trigger to fire the tag.
  2. Select the trigger "All Pages" and keep the other default settings.
  3. Your new tag should look like the one shown in the image below. If everything is correct, click "Save."
  4. Verify that your changes have been saved in the workspace. Now, all you need to do is publish the changes to be sent to your website. Click on the "Submit" button.
  5. Enter a name and a description of your preference for the publication you are about to make, and then click "Publish."
  6. Done! Within a few minutes, the tool will be installed on your website.

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