How to create an A/B Test

We have launched another feature at Leadster to increase lead conversion on your website!

Now you can run A/B Tests on your chat in a very simple way.

Why use A/B Tests?

A/B Tests are one of the main techniques to increase a website's conversion rate and, consequently, boost sales. The concept is straightforward: compare marketing variables to determine which one generates the best responses.

For example, you can test two versions of a page to determine which one delivers better results. The version that performs better in the tests should be retained.

In our case, we will conduct A/B Tests with a chat approach, allowing variations of:

  • Call-to-action
  • Avatar photo
  • Flow of questions

Below, you can see an example.

How to start a A/B test?

  1. Access the "Manage Flows" tab in the control panel and click on the "A/B Test" button. You will be directed to the Tests page. Click on "New Test."
  2. On the next page, choose the variable you want to test: Call-to-action, Avatar Photo, or a question from the Flow.
  3. In the first blue text box, you'll find your original call-to-action. In the green box below, you can edit the text and create a new variation for us to compare which one has a higher conversion. After defining the new call-to-action, click on "Create A/B Test."
  4. Your test is now saved. Now, all you need to do is click the "Start" button to begin the variation and analyze which option performs better.

NOTE: You cannot edit or delete a flow while running an A/B test. First, you must choose a version before deleting or editing it.

If you have any questions about creating tests, feel free to contact us :)

Need help? Talk to our consultants through the chat within the platform.

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