How to personalize your chats according to website pages

Just like a salesperson in a store approaches customers and has a conversation aligned with their area of interest, you should also personalize your approach and conversation according to your visitor's page or product of interest.

With Leadster, you can achieve this personalization, making the user experience more humanized and increasing engagement. Based on our experience, personalization tends to increase conversion rates by up to 40% as it offers value aligned with the customer's interest!

To set up this configuration, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the tool and click on "Manage Flows."
  2. Create a new flow or locate the flow you want to personalize and click "Edit."

Identify potential areas for personalization, for example, when your company has multiple products, you can create a chat for each of them.

  1. In the "Personalize for your audience" tab, scroll down to "Page and Campaign Personalization" and select the option "Personalize Pages and Campaigns."
  2. In the next step, choose the execution method for the rule, whether for "Pages that match all rules" or "Pages that match any rule."

There are 8 types of rules that can be used:

  • "Contains the URL or word" and "Does not contain the URL or word": These options can be used to determine on which pages of the same domain the assistant will or will not be displayed. Simply copy the word displayed after the "/" in your web browser and paste it in the corresponding field.

  • "Domain contains" and "Domain does not contain": These options can be used to determine on which pages of different domains the assistant will or will not be displayed. Simply copy the domain name where you want to show or hide the flow and paste it in the corresponding field.

  1. "Is homepage": The flow with this configuration activated will be displayed only on the website's homepage where the script was inserted.

  • "Source is Google Ads" and "Source is Facebook Ads": Flows with this configuration activated will be displayed only to leads accessing the site from these sources.

  • "URL Parameter": If you use UTM parameters in your campaigns, you can create display rules for personalized flows according to these sources.

  1. After configuring the rules, simply save the Flow.

It's essential to remember that for rules to be executed on pages of different domains, the assistant's implementation code must have been inserted on all domains.

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Best regards!

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