How to set up smart calls

Smart calls are alternative calls that are displayed on your website if the visitor doesn't convert on the main call.

With this functionality, you can try different approaches to convert the visitor into a lead.

You can use it to build trust in your company, promote offers, create a sense of scarcity, address objections, and more.

An example of a trust-building call could be: "We've already served over 70,000 people in 2023."

How to create a Smart Call in the Flow Editor:

1 - Access the tool and click on Manage Flows

2 - Locate the flow you want and click to edit

3 - Click on option "Qualify your Leads"

4 - Scroll down to the Smart Calls option

You can see the step by step in this tutorial:

The variation time is how many seconds the call takes to change; the minimum is 20 seconds.

You can also add more than one call variation by clicking Add Variation.

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