How to enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

To further enhance the security of accessing your Leadster account, you can enable two-factor authentication.

This tutorial will guide you through the process.

For this task, you will need to download Google Authenticator or Twilio Authy 2-Factor Authentication on your mobile device.

1 - Access Leadster, and in the upper right corner, click on the username, then select "my account."

2 - On the next screen, click on Enable 2-Factor Authentication.

3 - Scan the QR Code displayed on your screen using the chosen authentication app.

The authentication app will generate a 6-digit code.

4 - Enter your current password and the code generated by the authentication app in the corresponding fields. Then click Enable 2FA.

5 - Remember to click to download recovery codes. If you lose access to the authentication app, you will need one of these codes to regain access.

They will be displayed only once.

Done! Two-factor authentication is now enabled.

If you have any questions, contact our support team through the chat within the tool. 😉

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