How to integrate Leadster with Albato

Now, the Leadster platform allows you to use Albato (Integration Service) to register all converted leads in the software of your choice. This way, you can integrate with over 1000 platforms.

Shall we begin?

To perform the integration, first, go to the "Integrations" tab on your platform, find the "Albato" option, and then click "Choose":

In step 2, select the type of lead you want to receive through your integration:

In step 3, select the flow you want to integrate:

Log in to your Albato account and click "Create new automation":

Next, click "+" on the "Add a trigger: when this happens in the selected app" option:

Select "webhook" in "Choose an app where your data will come from"; "Incoming webhook" in the "Choose an event to trigger your automation" option:

Connect or create a new account in Albato's webhook:

After that, copy the created URL, return to the Leadster page, and paste it in step 4, in the "URL for submission (POST)" option, and click "Create Integration":

In your Albato account, click on the "Wait for webhook" option:

Open Leadster's chat and generate a new lead to list all data, then click to close the page:

Click "+" in the "Add an action: do this in the selected app" option:

Choose an app to transfer data and which action you want to occur in the integration:

Connect with your account in the app and set the additional parameters:

After this, map the fields of your Leadster flow with the Albato fields, indicating which data should be sent to the system that will be integrated. The field to be configured. To do this, select the fields containing the word "value" and map them following the numerical order:

Click in "Save"

And "Save" again:

Perform a lead creation test and check if the integration was successful:

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