Options to edit your flow

You have a lot of options to change your flow, here we listed some tips for you:

  1. Log in on the platform and click on Manage Flows.

  1. Choose the flow you want to customize and click on Edit.

  1. Our editor is divided into 3 steps to facilitate your navigation.

Step 1 - Customize for your audience:

In this section, we have configuration options:

Page and Campaign Customization where you can define on which pages or from which sources each chat will be displayed.

Chat Design where you can edit the avatar image, name, assistant's positioning, and other design elements.

Step 2 - Qualify your Leads:

In this section, we have customization options for the flow of questions and answers. In the first field, you can customize the display of the flow for different types of devices, such as mobile or desktop.

In the Conversion Call button you can set up the main call that will be displayed to the website visitor.

In the Question Flow section, you can personalize the questions that will be displayed to the visitor during their interaction with the assistant.

Fields in Blue (Message) represent the questions and messages sent by the assistant.

Fields in green represent the visitor's answers, which can include fields for text, name, email, phone number, company, postal code and others.

Step 3 - Integrate with Your Systems:

In this section you can insert your GA4 and Meta data (pixel)

Within the Flow editing, there are also the following options:

In our knowledge base, we have various tutorials on the key functionalities related to flow customization.

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Warm regards

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